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2024 Events

Self-Care Sanity

Into the Well: A weekend dedicated to your erotic body

 Feb 28th-March 2nd

Vashon Island, W

“We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way.” ~ Audre Lorde


These are unknown times. 

Let us gather and drink from a well of mysterious eros to fortify our cells, souls and soma.

The pelvis, where the first and second chakra are located, generates wisdom. 

Let us listen to the pulse of whatever arises for the healing of ourselves and the planet.


What is the erotic body? 
This is all of you: your life force, kundalini, chi, prana, aliveness, Shakti, vibration. It is all Eros. Eros is a current that can be dormant, wounded or stuck. And, sometimes it’s exuberant, hungry or feisty. It is a radical and transformative act to explore Eros outside of a partnership, lover or the confines of the bedroom. Wherever you are right now in your body you are invited to come explore this life force 
in a skillful, experiential community.


How will we get there?
We get to the place of body awakening and erotic aliveness through movement, breath work, consensual touch practices, guided erotic massage, sharing stories, sex education, circle technology and ritual. This is a hands-on, experiential workshop that includes consensual giving and receiving. We honor and listen with atunement to all expressions and emotions that arise.


Why come? 
To drink from an alchemical well of embodiment where all of you are welcome.  To renew, resource and recharge with other embodied explorers. To receive and give and learn how to honor your yes’s and no’s. To feel pleasure and  to be with the mystery. Because you’ve never been in a space that welcomes your whole erotic body and its history. A conscientious , trauma aware, solid container will be held with community agreements and skilled staff. You are at choice the whole weekend.


Where: Vashon Island, Hanna Barn.
When: Friday February 28th 4:00pm-9:30pm includes a potluck dinner
Saturday 9:00am-6:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-5:30pm
Cost: $450-$595 sliding scale. (if prohibitive approach me) Payments received via cash, check or Venmo ( @Lizz-Randall)

Limited to 15.

Who is this for:  all bodies that have vulvas. AFAB people of all gender expressions who feel

aligned in women oriented spaces . 

Note : (Dorm style lodging with kitchen is available on site by donation)


To register and for more information, email Lizz.

Self-Care Sanity
As Within/So Without Consult Group
for Erotic Practioners
(2025 dates coming)

Meeting the last Wednesday
of the month for 6 months.

When: 9:30am Pacific, 1 hr 45 min minutes
Dates: June 26 ~ July 31~ August 28 ~
September 25~October 30~November 27
Cost: Sliding scale $350-$450


During my 25-year journey working with bodies in the field of sex, intimacy, and eros I have found consult to be a vital practice for my mental and spiritual health. I have learned massive amounts about myself and become a more aware, centered, and clear practitioner. I continue to consult with colleagues and they have become beloved, beautiful supporters of my life’s passions and work. I believe consult groups are a form of self-care and accountability, especially in this unique vocation.


The invitation: A six-month consult group for practitioners and teachers who work with folks in the realm of sex, eros, and embodiment. The focus of this group is to notice what is happening for you while working with clients (or teaching) on a body, mind, and spirit level ie: projections, feelings, triggers, and reactions. While the main focus is on your process there is space to discuss next steps with clients and/or to pose questions to the group for input.


This group will offer each practitioner /teacher space to work with their own material that arises in sessions with folks. I will provide support in the form of somatic inquiry and processing feelings and it will be your choice if you want input from other group members.  To create a conscious field of presence, the first few  minutes of each group will be devoted to grounding and settling ourselves.


Cost: $350-$450 sliding scale for 6 months. To register: Email Lizz a short letter of interest that includes your experience as a practitioner or teacher. Individual consultation is available for a different fee. Email Lizz for more info. 

Somatic Deep Dive
Sacred Intimacy Training
April 27-May 3, 2024
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

In this Sacred Intimacy training, all aspects of the self are welcome; which includes touch, dialogue, feelings, sensuality and sexuality to be negotiated, explored and honored. We define Sacred Intimacy as a conscious path honoring the erotic in body, mind, emotions and spirit. This will be a hands-on, experiential training for folks who are open to working with all bodies and all genders.


For more information and to register, visit the event page.

Somatic Deep Dive
Queer Eros
July 5-7, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts

This workshop is an invitation to reclaim our Queer Eros from the oppressive systems of White Body Supremacy and Colonialism, find abundant nourishment in body based connection and cultivate a community of care. This unapologetically Queer experience will be an opportunity to expose the hypocrisy and limitations of gender roles and sexuality, to see pleasure and Eros as birthrights and healing energies rather than transactional and limited to those with power and privilege.


For more information and to register, visit the event page.

Somatic Deep Dive
Celebrating the Body Erotic
August 2-4, 2024
Chicago, Illinois

Celebrating the Body Erotic is based on Eastern Philosophies of Taoism and Tantra using breath and erotic energy to heal and grow. In the workshop you will learn; consent is cool, to accept your authentic self, to embrace the power of vulnerability and through deeper connection with yourself you will strengthen your bonds to community. This event is for women of all sexual orientations and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people. This workshop will take place on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Odawa peoples.


For more information and to register, visit the event page.

Intimacy Experiments
Wild Honey: Diving Into the Erotic Folds of Ourselves
September 15-20, 2024
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Welcome to Wild Honey where we play with the conscious sensate experience of eros & pleasure and how to apply them to your life and the world. In an intimate group of consensual erotic explorers, we journey to occupy ourselves more fully with presence, playfulness, and an unshakeable belonging to our bodies and the Earth.


We claim our sovereign place in this world via the integration of body, mind, and spirit as radical, joyful, and sustainable. In these challenging times, Eros can be an untapped nourishing balm applied to grief, heartache, pain, and suffering.


For more information and to register, visit the event page.

Past Events

Intimacy Experiments
Queer Eros
January 19-21, 2024
Seattle, WA
Intimacy Experiments
Foundations of Sacred Intimacy
October 21, 2023 - January 27, 2024
January 7, 2023 - April 8, 2024
Intimacy Experiments
Exploring Tantra: Weaving Eros and Spirit
November 10-12, 2023
Seattle, WA
Intimacy Experiments
Wild Honey: Diving Into the Erotic Folds of Ourselves
October 7-12, 2023
Jemez Springs, New Mexico
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