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Individuals & Couples

Self-Care Sanity

Eros is a healing force whether we are having sex or not. Erotic energy is a healing life force that all humans have but often we do not how to relate or trust it. Working with me offers a deep dive into your body's wisdom and erotic intelligence. If you are longing to go  beyond the stories and chatter in your mind, body-based somatic work is for you.  Discover what's alive, patterns of imbalance and habits that hold you back using your body as a laboratory for transformation.  I am an expert at helping with this! Sessions include learning grounding, tracking, and body-opening skills, unwinding wounds, beliefs and trauma within the body. Attune to your physical and energy body, receiving guidance to trust and access higher self wisdom while learning to live an embodied life.  


  • Learn essential skills in grounding, settling the nervous system, tracking, and opening the body

  • Engage in breath practices that you can trust 

  • Experience a shame-free, compassionate environment for deep exploration

  • Unwind and metabolize wounds and trauma within the body

  • Attune to your physical and energy body for heightened awareness

  • Receive guidance to trust the body and access higher self wisdom

  • Learn to trust your body and live an embodied life

  • Create sustainable practices, design a personal sanctuary, and establish nourishing routines tailored to your unique lifestyle


Please inquire about rates here.

Intimacy Experiments

Sex, intimacy, and relationship sessions offer couples guidance and direction to improve emotional and erotic intimacy and to give relationships an inner sense of wellbeing and trust. Wouldn't it be awesome to live a more intimate, honest, juicy life with yourself and your partner? I work with within a holistic paradigm where all parts-physical and emotional- are honored. I invite couples to cultivate a living , emergent and  dynamic intimacy  worthy of  support, dreaming and even more honesty and pleasure. I work with all sexualities, genders, orientations and partnering styles.


Sessions can include:

-Sex and intimacy repair and renewal for couples

-Body-based education and practices: breath, energy, and chakra explorations

- Exploring consent, boundaries and communication

-Unearthing and releasing the buried resentments that block intimacy

-Integration and balance of yin/yang (inner marriage work)

-The healing power of pleasure explorations

-Shame free, non-judgmental space for talking through your erotic desires and ideas

-Discovering your authentic boundaries and learning how to speak them â€‹

-Non-binary Tantra education and instruction

-A weaving of  Eastern and Western philosophies: sex, self, and spirit,

-Using the body as a laboratory for transformation, healing, and liberation

-Chakra exploration

-Skills in authentic communication 

-Support with aging and changing bodies

-Weekend intensives offered


Please inquire about rates here.

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